How are we spelling Britney Spears?
Brittany Spears,
Brittney Spears,
Britany Spears
brittany  brittney britany


Brittany Spears
Brittany Spears

Brittney Spears
Brittney Spears

Britany Spears
Britany Spears


The correct spelling is Britney Spears.

Around 20% of Internet searches misspelled her name. Shown are the three most popular misspellings:

  • Brittany Spears at 31% of total misspellings
  • Brittney Spears at 27%
  • Britany Spears at 23%

The remaining 19% was spread over 100+ other spellings.


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How are we spelling Britney Spears? Brittany Spears, Brittney Spears, Britany Spears...